Since 2004, this modality of Yoga practice has been developed in Argentina and other latitudes.
BPY© integrates Yoga with contemporary techniques of deep awareness and posture reeducation.
Basic Postural Yoga leads human beings to their desired UNION: body, mind and spirit, working in postures-Asanas-breathing techniques-Pranayamas- relaxation and meditation, but selecting only those do not contradict the corporal order that the 21st. centrury bodies need.
BPY© is based on the profound wisdom of the Yoga philosophy and adds the valuable contribution of modern and western disciplines such as the Méziéres Method, Anti-Gymnastics, Global Postural Reeducation, RPG; Active Global Stretching, Muscle and Joint Chain Method, Muscle Chain Stretching, Rolfing, etc.
From the perspective of Ayurveda, traditional Indian Medicine, BPY© may be considered a tridoshic practice, that is, for everyone.