Basic Postural Yoga, Yoga and Ayurveda, Yoga and Posture Reeducation
Essence of the East - Science of the West
About postures
From the huge number of traditional Yoga postures, Basic Postural Yoga -BPY©- selects eleven basic asanas and about twenty complementary ones.
This selection is based on global biomechanics and on the contribution of contemporary body therapies.
BPY© realigns the postural axes, releases muscle retractions and breathing.
The chosen asanas work on the symmetry of the body, lengthen the retracted muscle chains, acting simultaneously on the connective tissue and thus releasing the joints.
BPY© does not include retroflections or inverted asanas. Only lateral postures and twists are performed that do not generate compensation in other areas of the body.
All postures are consistent with the anatomy and bring us closer to our natural shape.
BPY© unlocks our dormant potential, awakens our inner listening and intuition to live our daily life fully.