BPY© does not include the practice of specific Pranayama exercises for beginners. Impossible to execute when the natural breath itself is blocked!
BPY© practice aims to free our breathing so that it regains naturalness.
Retractiones in the respiratory muscles make us lose our natural breathing rhythm and adopt another, uncoordinated, superficial, insufficient. Somehow and without realizing it, we are losing vital energy, disconnecting ourselves from life.
The selected postures help to unblock breathing, giving priority to exhalation to liberate the action of the respiratory muscles.
Pranayamas, suitable for all practitioners, are progressively incorporated.
Changing the breathing rate has a powerful effect on the mind. Our body is a reflection of our personal story, the same happens with the act of breathing. Our respiratory muscles, especially our inhalers, are subject to the same rigidities that limit other parts of our body.
Set the breath free, slow it down, make it aware, calm the mind.
The texts of the yogic tradition support it:
"Yoga is the quieting of the fluctuations of the mind"
Yoga Sutras chapter I, sutra II.